
A fanpage is also great fo

in Bewerbungen 24.05.2019 05:53
von lina123 • 728 Beiträge

In this article we will be looking at a few reasons why you should have your own Facebook fan page and be using it to create leads S'well Bottiglie 17oz Ocean Blu Italia , but also to create double leads.

No one can deny that Facebook presents incredible opportunities in the industry and it is THE next big thing to hit the online world in terms of marketing and traffic generation. Whatever business you’re involved with FB has some serious potential. It’s particularly good for us as Network Marketers as our business is all about relationships after all!.

Even the big ‘G’ is sitting up and taking notice. With the recent mass Google assault of the Adwords accounts of home business owners, most people are ditching Google all together and heading over to Facebook PPC. It makes perfect sense too, FB ppc is cheap right now, easy to set up and there isn’t much competition, it’s very much like the early days of PPC.

Now would be a good time to jump in and get your share of the pie

You don’t want your marketing efforts to be wasted by having a poorly converting fan page and profile so make sure you take the time to learn how to set these up properly. There is also a lot of free marketing that you can do on Facebook which will bring some great results.

Only a small percentage of people in our industry have realised the true potential of a fanpage and know how to set up a Facebook fanpage.

Having a good fanpage set up will set you apart from the masses, which is a very important thing to do in this market place. People are able to vote for you by hitting the like button S'well Bottiglie 17oz Rose Oro Italia , which means they then join your fan base. As well as making you look popular, you are able to easily send a message to all of your fans. Everyone on your fan page can receive status updates from you. The great thing is that the message goes to their FB mail box which means pretty much 100% deliverability and also a much higher open rate. This is basically list building but with the safety and trust of the Facebook platform.

Its important to give all your page visitors some good value and offer them something worthwhile in exchange for their name and email. You need to create a good ‘lead magnet’, this might be an eBook, pdf report or maybe even a video course, either way you want to encourage your new visitor to click ‘like’ and to opt into your list. This is a powerful lead generation method as you get double whammy from each lead!

A fanpage is also great for social network marketing (the most powerful selling tool). Once you’ve built up a good few fans, any new prospect is going to be impressed which instantly helps with your credibility!

Once you have you fan page up and running the next thing is obviously to get traffic to it. You can download a badge code from FB to put on your website. People can ‘like’ you directly from your website. The badge idea is quite effective S'well Bottiglie 17oz Titanium Italia , people can connect with you directly from your website. Some of the badges will also have a direct feed from your fanpage so people can see what the latest activity is

Setting up a FB fan page is actually very easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Just create a page, decide on your offer for prospects to opt in to your list, create the graphics and code and your good to go.

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